16 Oct 2013

Moving Image- Week 4- Hells Angels v Skinheads

Moving Image- Week 4- Hells Angels v Skinheads

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Hells Angels and Skinheads are both cults, which appeared in the UK.
Hells Angels were members of the Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) that was founded in 1948 in the USA (DokuStreamHD, 2013) and came over to UK in 1969. It is said Hells Angels is the world's largest motorcycle brotherhood (Sites.google, no date).

Hells Angels members are, taken literally, rockers on motorbikes. They listen to Hard Rock, Metal (Yahoo.answers, 2009) and drive heavy Harleys. They live the lifestyle of freedom, which summarize having beautiful women around, bar nights and world runs, but living a vacant life brings also the negative aspects to the sight. Hells Angels do whatever they want, as long as they do get caught (DokuStreamHD, 2013) and that is usually conjunct with violence, rubbery and criminal acts (Sites.google, no date). This preconception is very well supported by the gang’s fashion style, which is marked by leather jackets and sleeveless denim jackets, patches and tattoos as well as long hair (Janksolid, 2012).

Whereas Hells Angels members are mostly elder, because people who want to enter the motorcycle club have firstly to ‘work’ their way up to get the status of a Hells Angel (Janksolid, 2012), Skinheads were mostly young people. The cult of Skinheads appeared for the first time in UK in the industrial neighbourhoods in 1967/68.  They were part of the working class; a lower class and got constant growth over years, as that was a gang, which did not have resolutions, but was motivated enough to take care about their social status in a way of showing other cults that they exist as much as the others do (Messics, 2006).

Their appearance was not to compare the Hells Angels. Skinheads most important fashion features were the boots and braces, which they wore with button-down shirts and jeans; in cold days also cardigans and jumpers. They had very short hair, which looked much a-like a military cut. This gang used to spent its time in hip SKA-clubs or football stadiums. They listened to black music, Punk, Ska, Reggae and later years also to Hard Rock and Heavy Metal. (Klöcker, 2011)

Although the appearance of Skinheads was pretty much innocent, they still were not inoffensive. They were Pakistani haters, even though they danced with African youngsters. They had marked their district and set any violence needed to protect it. This situation held on until the first Skinhead members had grown up and the vogue of the youth cult settled down. The older Skinheads got, the more they tend to get families and built up persistent living. (Messics, 2006)

Both cults are still to find on the streets. Whereas Hells Angels are still in the media for their criminality; Skinheads are mainly recognizable by their style, less their attitude. (Klöcker, 2011)


DokuStreamHD (2013) Hells Angels- 81 Forever (online video) Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtbxLGq1oqI Last accessed: 16.10.13

Janksolid (2012) BBC Documentary- Hells Angels- London- 1973 (online video) Available at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ng8Ll7x08Vk Last accessed: 16.10.13

Klöcker, Prof. Dr. Michael (2011) Skinheads (online ppt) Available at: http://de.slideshare.net/mkloecker/skinheads-8853548 Last accessed: 16.10.13

Messics, Markus (2006) Skinheads- Antirassisten oder „rechte Schläger“? Lit Verlag: Wien (online) Available at: http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=de&lr=&id=_oJ6KMNLaQkC&oi=fnd&pg=PA7&dq=skinheads+in+uk&ots=pT4YvbSf-w&sig=a09pnR4SUYzoZ9PMSbg8GMQKZuo&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=skinheads%20in%20uk&f=false Last accessed: 16.10.13

Sites.google (no date) Hell’s Angels (online) Available at: https://sites.google.com/site/hellsangelsfall08per6/ Last accessed: 16.10.13

Yahoo.answers (2009) Anyone no what types of music the hells angels listen to? (online) Available at: http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090527114559AAzP5by Last accessed: 16.10.13